Presidential Leadership Scholars Dr. Sunny Jha, Dr. Loren Robinson, and Dr. Jay Bhatt are on the front lines in their communities in the fight against COVID-19 — but thanks to vaccines that are now available, see a light at the end of the tunnel. They recently spoke to the George W. Bush Center’s Andrew Kaufmann on the Strategerist podcast about the pain they’ve witnessed first hand caused by COVID-19, the progress we’ve made in a short amount of time, and the fear in patients as vaccine distribution ramps up. But, the science is clear: the vaccines are safe, and #ThisIsOurShot to bring the pandemic under control. Listen to the full episode here.
March 30, 2021
#ThisIsOurShot – Behind the Scenes on the Strategerist Podcast
Sunny Jha ('18), Jay Bhatt ('16), and Loren Robinson ('18).

Sunny Jha
Class of 2018
Health Care
Sunny Jha is a true patient and physician advocate heavily involved in organized medicine and healthcare policy to bring about positive change in our health care system.
During PLS, Jha worked to streamline opioid sparing strategies for patients undergoing surgery at the LA County+USC Medical Center primarily by increasing utilization of nerve blocks. In this continued work, his goal is to reduce the consumption and dependence of opioids in the operative sphere both acutely and chronically.
Jay Bhatt
Class of 2016
Health Care
Of the approximately 40 million people living with HIV, almost 25 million dwell in Africa. Even with these high numbers, life-saving HIV treatments remain scarce across a majority of the continent. To improve the nation’s efforts, Jay Bhatt trains, supports, and empowers community-based lay health workers, especially those currently suffering from the illness. During his time in the program, Jay has continued to provide assistance to health workers by ensuring all are paid sufficient wages, continuing to educate and train on new protocols, and adequately staffing aid clinics to better treat referrals specifically from the front-line lay health providers.
Loren Robinson
Class of 2018
Health Care
Motivated by the belief that every child deserves a chance, Loren Robinson continues to build upon her experiences as a practicing pediatrician and internist. By integrating clinical practice with a career in public health at the highest levels of state government, Robinson strives to connect our nation’s most vulnerable populations with much needed health services and health promotion programs.
During PLS, Robinson endeavored to build a multi-disciplinary partnership across Pennsylvania to better connect children exposed to and affected by opioids to health and social services in their local communities.