Demonstrating leadership when it’s a matter of life and limb

By Margot Habiby

As her uncle lay painfully dying in a hospice care facility in the heart of Philadelphia, Nubia Peña gathered with other rising American leaders a few blocks away to work on solving our nation’s most pressing issues while building community and bridging divides. 

What happened next couldn’t have been more apt, particularly in the City of Brotherly Love. During a reflective session of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program, Peña uncharacteristically teared up when asked to consider “what or who do you wish you could prioritize?” Dr. Anahita Dua began to press her to find out what was wrong.  

Dua learned that Peña’s uncle, Victor, had been relegated to end-of-life hospice care after declining a doctor’s advice to have his leg amputated from advanced peripheral artery disease (PAD), a common pathology that is the number one cause of amputation in America due to blood vessel blockage in the legs. Additionally, Victor had fallen and broken his hip. The hip couldn’t be repaired until the infection in his leg was dealt with – by severing the limb.  

Dua, a vascular surgeon and Co-Director of the Peripheral Artery Disease Center and Limb Evaluation and Amputation Preservation Program (LEAPP) at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston, was actively working on protocols to reduce the number of unnecessary amputations both in her day job and as part of her personal leadership project for PLS.  

“Let’s take him to the hospital, and I’ll coordinate his care to try to save his leg and life,” Dua told Peña. “I can’t promise anything, but if they can do an advanced procedure to restore his blood flow, he may heal. We can then get his hip fixed, and he could potentially come out of hospice.” 

Victor’s story raised some red flags for Dua: He didn’t speak much English, and the medical staff hadn’t brought in a Spanish-language interpreter to explain his condition and options. A multidisciplinary team and group effort was required, but Victor’s story sounded fragmented and piecemeal at best. Dua also knew that half of those over 60 years who get a leg amputated will die within a year. In his early 70s, Victor wasn’t that old, and letting the infection rage was a slow and painful way to die. 

While PAD is frequently attributed to Black, brown, Native American, Indian, and Arab communities, it’s in fact a disease found in aging populations regardless of race and affects more White patients than anyone else. 

“You don’t have to die like this, in extreme pain, in America, in Philadelphia, in the first hospital in the United States,” Dua said. Though she wasn’t credentialed to practice in Pennsylvania, she had colleagues who were. She stayed up half the night planning the procedure and coordinating the surgery and post-operative care. The team she organized saved Victor’s leg, and he was discharged home to live close to two more years with his loved ones. 

“As someone deeply connected to my faith, I know that sitting next to Dr. Dua during this specific moment was an answered prayer,” Peña said. She emphasized that, Dua “knew the right questions to ask, which ultimately led to her deciding she could help. She didn’t just refer me to a doctor. She mobilized a medical team, sat with me the entire day in the hospital, and followed up consistently in the months after. She treated my uncle and our family with incredible dignity and care, something that had often been absent in their journey.” 

Their chance discussion during the Presidential Leadership Scholars program session has inspired conversations that may also lead to changes in both policy and practice.  

Dua has a newfound advocate in Peña, who in her personal and professional capacity as a senior advisor in state government, is actively bringing awareness to the impacts of PAD, the need to prevent amputations, and the cultural, social, and economic differences that create barriers to quality medical care. 

“There are other families in similar positions who don’t have access to someone like Dr. Dua coordinating their treatment plan,” Peña said. “This is a very common story, impacting Americans from across various backgrounds. I can’t unsee or ignore what I now know, and I’m grateful that Dr. Dua helped me understand how often this occurs. I am exploring how I can help engage our health care leaders and policy stakeholders in an impact-driven discussion.” 

What happened at PLS between Dua and Peña illustrates how the program’s unique environment – and the bonds it creates between Scholars – can make a real difference in the world. While it was serendipitous that Dua’s specialty aligned so precisely with Peña’s family’s need, changemaking is exactly what PLS aims to inspire.  

Dua is continuing to try to save more limbs as she builds on work done for her personal leadership project during the program.  

“PAD kills more people than the top three cancers combined,” she said. “It’s more of an issue than colon cancer and aneurysms. People ask, where are we going to get the money, but it’ll pay for itself because the patients won’t have the wounds.” 

One place to start is by giving patients supportive preventative care and ensuring that patients get evaluated thoroughly to ensure that amputation really is the best option. In the United States, up to 73% of people who undergo limb amputations don’t have angiograms, which is a basic procedure to detect blockages before limb amputation is even considered, Dua said.  

“Had he died that day or died in hospice, he would have been dead and gone, but his wife and family would have been traumatized by the medical community,” Dua said. “Everyone has gone and taken time to become experts in our different areas. It’s absolutely worthless if we can’t turn around and help our fellow man.” 

Margot Habiby serves as Deputy Director of Communications at the George W. Bush Institute.

Leading from within: How authenticity and values shape leadership

By Casey Rodriguez

The holiday season is a time for all of us to come together and celebrate with family and friends. We share in traditions, gather around, tell stories, and reflect on what the year has brought us. During this time, we are also reminded of what makes us unique individuals and how those strengths connect us with others through a shared purpose.  

But holidays can be challenging, too, as we’re faced with diverging viewpoints across the dinner table. The Presidential Leadership Scholars (PLS) program offers an excellent model in how to navigate this rocky terrain. 

Our Scholars come from across the country, bringing with them diverse experiences and narratives to create a network full of depth and richness. We tie these things together in a unique program in which Scholars are guided by their core values to develop skills in values-based leadership. We’ve seen prominent examples of this leadership in the presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Lyndon B. Johnson, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.  Scholars are then encouraged to embrace their identities with these values, and that leads to creating close bonds with people whom they may have never met before.  

Our program is truly unlike any other because we bring people together to solve today’s most pressing challenges while at the same time creating bonds that we never could have imagined. Bringing diverse voices together in a room and watching that purpose align with passion is very powerful, and it’s something that we as individuals can commit to doing outside a formal program.    

For example, Danielle Rugoff, PLS Class of 2024, embraced her Jewish faith and shared it with her cohort at a Passover dinner she hosted at her house ahead of a module. She shared childhood stories about her family and how their experiences led her to pursue work that focuses on bridging divides through language. By sharing in her home and her faith, Danielle’s cohort gained a truer understanding of who she was. And members of the group formed a lasting bond, becoming part of her family forever.   

In 2023, the Hispanic Scholars of the cohort gathered during the final module and shared more about their backgrounds than ever before. One by one, they reflected on many of their parents’ immigrant experiences, some of their journeys as first-generation students, and how these things have shaped them into the leaders they are today. They showed how their lived experiences inspire them to bring their authentic selves to the table each day, have gratitude for who they are and what they have, and seek ways to move forward and impact others with similar stories. Through this gathering, they established a strong sense of solidarity, ensuring this group would always uplift one another and advocate for those who come after them.  

Our 537-strong alumni network consists of many stories, faiths, backgrounds, and values, with over 50% of Scholars identifying as non-white with a racial and ethnic background. Together, they help create something bigger than the individual members. 

This holiday season, as you reflect on the year and are surrounded by what’s most important to you, we encourage you to embody the PLS program and embrace your unique identity and core values. Create an environment where every voice is heard, and every individual is valued. Lean into understanding and find joy in solidarity. This will allow us all to strengthen the connections we have around the dinner table and the ones we have in our communities, even as we may agree to disagree.  

As President George H.W. Bush once said, “in times of celebration and challenge alike, our values of faith, family, and friendship hold us together, and the holiday season is a time to reflect on and reaffirm those bonds.”   Related Content

Casey Rodriguez serves as Program Manager, Leadership Programs at the George W. Bush Institute.

Presidential Leadership Scholar spotlight: An-Me Chung

An-Me Chung, 2015 Presidential Leadership Scholar and Director and Strategic Advisor for New America, discusses her passion for education and the lessons she learned in the Presidential Leadership Scholar program.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your personal leadership project.   

Like many immigrants, my parents grew up during a war and dreamed of coming to the U.S. We were extraordinarily fortunate to live in Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and Arkansas, where community members gave us a sense of belonging by helping us navigate new languages, different cultures, and the education and professional systems. I think about the kindness of strangers, such as the family who allowed us to spend the night in their van in rural northern Indiana when a snowstorm struck as we were driving home, and the owner of Susie Q Malt Shop – an icon in Rogers, Arkansas – who defended my family and gave me a summer job.   

I think about my kindergarten teacher, Miss Taylor, who often walked me home after school, and explained to us who Smokey Bear is and why people dress up in strange costumes on Oct. 31 and cut down a live tree to put in the middle of one’s living room in December. Miss Taylor was the beginning of a myriad of public schoolteachers, professors, mentors, and educators who made such a difference in my life. It was their encouragement and influence and the allyship of some many generous people that led to a career working in education. It was also those who were not as kind who inspired me to work toward ensuring that all young people have access to good education. 

My PLP was hosting a summit with invited state teams to design strategies and tactics for making after-school learning count toward high school graduation. As a result, five states – Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, and Rhode Island – implemented digital badging systems. In 2015, the transition away from the traditional “Carnegie unit” and seat time, in favor of competency-based education allowing students to demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning was occurring. Digital badging became an opportunity to provide innovative and cost-effective mechanisms to document and validate the learning both in and out of the classroom including libraries, museums, school-based or community-based afterschool programs, youth development or summer programs.  

The digital badging system has continued to grow and prosper in both the classroom and out of school time programs. For example, the South Carolina Afterschool Alliance, the Richland County School District Two, the South Carolina Department of Education, and the Richland County Library, provide high school students interested in Health Sciences and entering the healthcare field the opportunity to attend hands-on seminars, and earn digital badges and high school credit for completion of courses. 

Please give us an update on what you have been working on since completing the Presidential Leadership Scholar program. 

After completing the PLS program, I like other fellow scholars, reassessed my job fit at the time, left the position and consulted for organizations on strategic planning, organizational and board development, grantmaking systems, developed and managed 10 communities across the country developing computer science for all ecosystems. I also helped the PLS staff support the PLS alumni network.  

I am currently the Director of the Teaching, Learning & Tech program and Strategic Advisor to the Education Policy program at New America. My focus is on advancing policies and practices that support educators and other professionals’ use of technology in promoting more equitable systems of learning for all young people across in-school and out-of-school-time settings. I am also the Co-Founder of build4good, an intern-mentorship initiative at New America for postsecondary students and nonprofit organizations. It aims to inspire a diversity of future leaders to develop civically minded technology and help nonprofits harness the power of technology for social good. 

Which lessons learned during the Presidential Leadership Scholar program have stayed with you the most, and how have you put them into action? 

Working through case studies and exercises with a curated network of people with similar values, but diverse thoughts and experiences, has been key to understanding how powerful different perspectives are to problem solve for change. It has made me a better listener, communicator, and collaborator. I integrate these techniques and lessons in all my work since PLS, particularly being part of the Education Policy Program at New America. This is even more poignant now given our deeply divided country.  

What drives your work with the New America build4good initiative, which matches and mentors STEM college students with internships in mission-driven nonprofits? 

In the spring of 2020, college students’ summer internship offers were being revoked amid the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. An intern (Co-Founder of build4good) and I saw an opportunity to find ways for students to positively use their tech skills amid the isolation, provide nonprofits with much needed tech support, and, more importantly for me, grow future public-interest technology leaders.  

Entering its sixth summer, the program helps students explore different career paths while exposing both students and nonprofit organizations to new ways of harnessing the power of technology for the public good. Regardless of ultimate career path, build4good interns learn about a bigger world that is directly linked to social change and the need to build responsibly. build4good was inspired by the PLS program, and many aspects of the modules have been adapted into the internship. My first calls for potential host organizations were to the PLS network, and I am eternally grateful to those who have taken a leap of faith, particularly that first summer, to host and mentor a build4good intern. 

Recently, build4good teams made up of student interns, educators, developers, designers, advocates, and data scientists gathered to develop edtech tools to better use open education resources (OER) for serving students with disabilities. What were some takeaways from this joint effort, and how do you see AI being used for education in the future? 

Similar to the core principle of PLS, diversity of voices and perspectives on each team was important. Team members were able to learn from and with each other about the roles and skills needed to build edtech tool prototypes that truly reflect the needs of the potential user – in this case learners with disabilities. One participant, an educator, wasn’t sure how she would make a difference, but she quickly realized that her voice contributed to creating a useful and necessary tool. And because teams were responding to real problems to solve, the experience for every team member was meaningful and productive. As one build4good intern said, “It was great to actually build something.” 

Generative AI, a type of AI that can create new content, has sparked both excitement and concern in education as well as other fields.  

On the plus side, generative AI could support longstanding challenges in education, such as consolidating information more efficiently, enhancing personalized learning, helping educators customize curriculum for diverse needs of all students, and supporting collaboration among educators. Generative AI can also streamline education systems and practices. For instance, AI could automate administrative tasks, freeing up educators to focus on helping young people develop mindsets and critical thinking skills – essential for problem-solving in today’s world.  

Generative AI can transform assessments by gathering data in real time to help educators better understand individual student needs. It could also revolutionize the way individualized education programs (IEP) are managed by simplifying and enhancing communication between educators and families. An IEP is a plan that outlines the specialized instruction and services that a child with a disability needs to succeed in school. AI could also translate materials into native languages and into clear and simple terms that are accessible to families.  

However, there are inherent risks to integrating AI, including bias and discrimination, privacy and safety, and transparency and ethical dilemmas, that require thoughtful and careful consideration and a holistic approach. Our education institutions need to safeguard student privacy and ensure that the use of AI is free from algorithmic discrimination by building a strong data infrastructure; incorporating inclusive and research-backed AI design; building capacity among contributors, leaders, and learners; and requiring human oversight and intervention. While AI can do a lot, it is a tool, just like any other tool, and it requires human input to provide the desired results.